Directed by a woman and is a fascinating character study
3 December 2023

Adapted from the book by Rupert Thomson co-written and directed by Ana Kokkinos that introduces viewers to a couple, Daniel (Tom Long) and Bridget (Anna Torv) in a dance studio along with others, rehearsing their moves to the upcoming performance, with Isabel as the director. Bridget asks Daniel to go out and grab her a pack of smokes, and when he does, he does not come back. She would involve the police, except that they have a 72 hour protocol that needed to be followed before they will actively go and search for him. It is the big night, and Daniel has still have not shown up with Isabel making the conscious choice of replacing Daniel's lead role with another former dancer, Justin. The following morning, Daniel blindfolded with a hood, he is then dropped and dumped by a GMC Vandura in the middle of nowhere. He then takes off the bag that was covering his head, and spots a bar nearby, he goes to it to get himself a beer. Unable to adapt to normalcy, his live in girlfriend, Bridget becomes skeptical about his last whereabouts when he tells her he was abducted by three women. They had done this by approaching him with their heads covered and pricking him with a needle. And upon his release he then tries to make a report about it to authorities, but even they begin taunting him as well. As a result of people who are insensitive to his current situation, he then packs up his stuff and leaves his girlfriend, Bridget to work at a pub near the waterfront for the purpose of identifying the three women who physically abused and humiliated him. From the time he was let go to the time he went searching for the three women who chained him up doing weird things to him, viewers see in flashbacks some of the things the three women had done to him, and do these acts while wearing pigeon holed masks. Leaving with the only clues are their nude bodies as each one of the three ladies have distinct marks on such as a butterfly on one, the other has a huge red blemish or birthmark on the right side of her cheeks of her buttocks, while the third has a round circle over her breast. Daniel then goes on a crusade eager to find out what the three ladies actually look like, which at first, as soon as he sees three ladies enter the bar, the first thing he thinks about is they must be the same three who abducted him. And he becomes disappointed that it was not them. And of course, Isabel (Greta Scacchi) wants Daniel to return back to dancing again, except that he is disturbed and disoriented. Instead of asking her former friend, Mark Olsen (Colin Friels) with his expertise to find out the three ladies who abducted him, all he does is report back to Isabel about Daniels whereabouts.

What I like about this movie is that it takes it's subject matter and makes it into thinking movie. Since if anyone were to at the census or even watch the news and so forth- it is always men abductors. And when they're women abductors, it usually occurs toward babies or on young children. In this scenario, is perhaps the most unlikely scenario with three different women involve in kidnapping a young man so that they can perform unspeakable acts on him. What makes it much worse is that the victim has no way of knowing what each of them even look like. My quip with this film is the fact one veteran detective looked like was willing to help him, except that Daniel has never asked him, since he was never believed when he went to the police station. Here was one detective or officer who does! That is perhaps the million dollar question, why didn't Isabel ask her former boyfriend to get involve, and throughout the entire film he never does other than to be his therapist. That alone does not make much sense.
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