Tatort: Tote Taube in der Beethovenstraße (1972)
Season 1, Episode 25
"Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street" (1973)
2 December 2023
"A pigeon is somebody who cannot win. A born looser."

This movie starts off very well with pictures of the people that make the production. Few movies do this, but more movies should show pictures instead of dissociated names in the credits.

Of course, one attraction to this presentation is that the director is Samuel Fuller.

Unfortunately, the plus for the credits is countered by other problems. First there are English subtitles; I have nothing against English subtitles; however, half the movie is in German with no German subtitles. We see a subtitle - "Speaking German."

Sieghardt Rupp as Zolloberinspektor Viktor Kressin Rattles in German. Luckily enough it is simple enough to follow with no exotic words. But to be sure you get it, Glenn Corbett as Sandy, repeats the question or exaggerated the answer in English. Oops soon Zolloberinspektor Viktor Kressin speaks English now and then; so, hang in there.

There is a PAL foreign version out there with full English and other extras. Tote Taube in der Beethovenstraße.

Tatort Episode S1. E25 aired Jan 7, 1973, PG 1h 42m

The acting is very stilted. Is this on purpose as a style seen before? Or just plain stilted? Lots of nondescript background music that can be very annoying at times.

A side plus is Hearing John Wane speaking German in "Rio Bravo" (1959)

The story is about diplomatic black mail.

In an effort to find and foil the bad guys, we go through an endless series of undercover extorsions. The extorsions take up 75% of the movie.

Who wins and how? Oh no, is there going to be the standard twist?

German title: "Tote Taube in der Beethovenstraße" Tatort (TV Series) season 1 episode 25 1h 42m so something is missing from this 2 hour and 8-minute movie.

A German police procedural television program.
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