Blades (1988)
Affectionate Jaws spoof
2 December 2023
BLADES is, unsurprisingly given the title, an affectionate homage to Spielberg's classic JAWS. The setting this time around is a golf course, where the wide green fairways substitute for the deceptively calm surface of the ocean, and a cast of middle-class golfers find themselves next in line for the chop. The killer, somewhat bizarrely, is an animated lawnmower with a thirst for human blood, but I've seen so many B-movies by now that even that doesn't seem too odd to me. There's the expected rubbery gore, severed limbs and cheeseball action sequences, including a classic reverse-dolly camera zoom reimagining of the famous Scheider-in-a-deck-chair shot. Hardly classic cinema, but it is fun.
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