His Dark Materials: Æsahættr (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Mrs. Coulter: Current Guinness World Record Holder for Faster Walker
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Man, the writers fell asleep on these last two episode. Where to begin...

Okay, so we learn that the Specters attack people soon as adulthood kicks in, so all the adults fled the city and left the kids behind because...um...actually, now that I think about it, why didn't the kids evacuate with the adults? The ones still stuck in the city were old enough to know that getting the heck out of the city was a better move than staying in it...especially when we find out that the two girls wind up going to an encampment that was seemingly just up the hill.

The witches are so dumb it's painful to watch. They have all this deft defying power, yet they laze around and make sophomoric mistakes that make little sense given their supernatural talents. Somehow Mrs. Coulter wipes the floor with them like its nothing. This was infuriating to watch.

So the Shamon dude could conjure up lighting storms and flocks of killer birds that could take down military grade zeppelins, but he can't do the same for like 30 men on the ground? All it took was one guy with a gun to kill him? If it were that simple, why send an army in the first place. Why not send a skilled assassin to do the same job.

Boreal's character was pretty much wasted. What was the point of this dude?

Lee had a superhuman witch on speed dial this whole time and he only uses it when he's about to die. He could have summoned her like...I dunno, before dying? Actually, scratched that, Shamon dude could have killed all those soldiers with his powers (which for reasons that aren't explained) stops using once they're on the ground being pursued by the soldiers.

Lyra knows her mother, specters and everything in between are after her and Will, so she decides to sleep in the middle of the day instead of you know, asking the compass a bunch of questions about their current predicament.

How the heck did Mrs. Coulter catch up to the group from the city?? Lyra and Will's group have been walking for days yet Mrs. Coulter finds them in like a few hours and manages to kidnap Lyra with some much ease it's laughable.

I'm not sure I'll continue this show.
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