The King Has Come Home To Japan🇯🇵
30 November 2023
"This Movie, Painted In Despair, Will Strike You With Fear" - Director Takashi Yamasaki


I'm utterly speechless, this movie was amazing in every possible way imaginable for an audience wanting to be entertained. The Human characters were very well written, the acting was outstanding, the emotions were strong with loss, pride and hope. The main cast were perfect together as a group, even the minor characters were amazing. The music, Oh My God the Music was conducted to fit every scene it was in and the OG theme was incredible to hear in a Dolby theater for the first time. Akira Ifukube would be proud, May he Rest In Peace. Lastly it was very educating in a way to see what Japan was like immediately after the War following the Atomic Bombs. The hardships they went through just to rebuild was very emotional to watch, but the way they climbed out of that pit of hopelessness would inspire any viewer to the franchise both Long Time along with Newer Fans

Now to the matter at Hand, the Star Himself, GODZILLA.

The King of the Monsters is more terrifying in this movie than any other in the 69 year history of the Longest running franchise in the World! Every time he appears on screen he strikes fear into your very soul and leaves you in Awe at the same time. His destruction was unrelenting, the action out of this world, his Power Godly, his portrayal Very Real. At times you almost feel sorry for him because what's happened to him wasn't his fault. I haven't seen a monster movie this well done since Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005) and Cloverfield (2008).

My solid review of this movie is a 10/10, and I recommend save notifications of any kind for when this movie hits the Home Media market because I sure will.

Honestly I don't think I've ever watched a movie this perfect before

Last note, The Whole Theater shook everytime Godzilla took a Step and my very bones were vibrating from his Roar #godzilla #godzilla1954 #godzillaminusone #monster #japan.
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