Sleepy rating scale 4- Sitting at edge of bed
29 November 2023
It's a quick read. I listened to it on Spotify. Nothing earth shattering in there that I hadn't already heard. Unfortunately social media already informed us all about the juicy details of her book. There were things I found interesting: 1. She said she prepped for role in Shondra Rhimes Crossroads by using method acting. Girl, that role was not that deep for all that 😒.

2. I feel bad about anything harsh I ever said about Britney post her Justin Timberlake breakup and during her Kevin Federline phase. Those were some rough patches in her life where we were only being shown or told one side of what was going on.

3. I'm still confused how her dad got her into that conservatorship especially with his reported history of alcoholism. There are so many other artists with real addiction and mental health problems **cough cough Kanye West** that could use one but it would never happen for them.

4. Britney does downplay her addiction to Adderall, which may explain the erratic behavior we see on IG. I think she also uses IG as a place for her to freely express herself unapologetically because she was held captive for so long.
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