"TEEN BEAT" at Sea
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll try to make this painless!

Teenaged daughter accompanies mother ( Saffron Burrows) on a week long sailing excursion with mother's blind date. Sounds like a good idea, right? But something underhanded is going on, the teen suspects after finding the gentleman's assault styled gun tucked away beneath a berth. After a couple of excruciating days at sea while mother gets to know this mystery man in the biblical sense, his boat is attacked by another vessel. Things don't go well for the vacationers so daughter quickly hatches a plan worthy of a MI plot to get to the bottom of this devastating assault, using what she learned in a 2 minute lesson on gun safety and target practice, taught by Mom's date a day earlier. After the attack by thugs their vessel was in sinking disrepair. Teen, with her crafty plan in place, is rescued by a military styled tankard, crewed by some familiar faces responsible for the sailboat original attack. In an audacious scene you would think was written for comedy, after changing into a bimbo-ish outfit and tarting up her face with makeup, she sets about to seduce the captain (Ray Liotta)of the tankard. After several minutes of suggestive language and innuendo, it FINALLY occurs to the captain this little Lolita Mata Hari is trying to seduce him and responds as planned but she responds by knocking his lights out, before going after the rest of the motley crew with whatever weapons are conveniently within arm's reach and having remarkable success with her intended targets I must say!

Sure she takes a beating but remembering that introductory class from last summer in bare knuckle brawling, gets her successfully through the many moments she's required to defend herself. Along the way she discovers a cargo load of captive young women held for sex slavery. I take as the big reveal of the movie.

Dangerous Waters tried to be the Kill Bill movie for a younger generation and failed miserably. If this is what smells like teen spirit...
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