Familiar yet unique evil
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this and am a bit surprised and shocked by how modern and yet how timeless this story is. I grew up in a very religiously charged atmosphere, and that caused me to be interested in many different areas of spirituality - including more destructive groups. Twinflames shares the destructiveness and manipulation of groups like the Branch Davidians, the people's Temple and others, but it also adds its own unique and horrifying take on it. There is an epidemic of loneliness and our society, and they lure their victims in with the promise that they have correctly magical formula for love and happiness. Of course, it doesn't work, it's all a charade to line the pockets of the cult leaders. I think it's an interesting example of how a group that just started off as a con, become perverted into a dangerous religious movement. It's a modern take on a destructive group because it has forced its members to transition from male into female identities and vice versa, is probably the first time a group like this has ever done so. It's a unique kind of horror. The last thing I've left with thinking about this is that the problem is that the groups founders don't have any idea about sexuality. They don't understand how it basically works. It's not like you can have a divine revelation that someone is a masculine spirit and that someone is a feminine spirit and their inhabiting bodies of males and females so they need to change their bodies to reflect their spiritual natures. It's a ridiculous and terrifying outcome but one that unfortunately probably makes sense in their minds.
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