Invincible: Atom Eve (2023 TV Movie)
Wtf happened?
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If this is the quality of season 2 we're in for a rocky road. It's not all terrible the strengths of the show do carry over here but the directing and writing leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know if this was because of the writers strike but something just felt off.

There are interesting ideas here, atom Eve has the coolest powers from the show and exploring that in a "boyhood" type origin story with some extremely disturbing implications are the real strengths here. Along with an action scene reminiscent of the show at the end.

Unfortunately it's all handled rather poorly, the parents are caricatures with no real depth. They don't act like realistic a holes just OTT movie a holes. Like sure awful parents like this exist but put some effort into making them believable. The plot develops in a very random "and then this happened" way which if you are a fan of Matt stone and Trey Parker, you'll know that will lead to a very boring progression of story.

There are really bad attempts at reinforcing the main theme of the episode. Like student film levels of heavy handedness. Eve has a bad family and in once scene a picture frame breaks and we see a shot of the fractured family just after an argument. That's stupid. Don't treat your audiences like they're stupid. That could've been handled better.

The main voice actor is a bit off. I don't know if this is their first gig but there are times where the under acting of certain lines pulled me out. It's not just them as there are other weird line deliveries that could've at least used another take.

There was also a really bad needle drop near the end of the episode that did not feel earned at all. Certain plot elements are rushed and not given the time to be fleshed out. So when this song started playing it felt quite emotionally manipulative and unearned.

The animation as well was also off at points. Invincible as a show had moments where the budget was apparent and it was obvious that the main bulk was going to the cast and not the poor animators, but Eve has these weird lines under her eyes when she was younger that just looked weird. That might seem like a nitpick but I don't remember anything like that appearing in the show maybe I need to rewatch it? Maybe it was the screen I was watching it on?

Because of the poor handling of these elements, especially with the outcast vibes they're we're going for with Eve's character I found it really hard to invest in her and the story. Which is a shame since she was one of the best from the show.

In short, I would not recommend this as an entry to the show. It felt like I completely different show. I don't know wtf what happened.
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