Emotional rollercoaster and top notch storytelling
27 November 2023
I have never wondered where the idea of reading someone their Miranda Rights comes from. It always just seemed this thing that we hear over and over on TV and I would assume in real life for those who need their rights told to them. But, thanks to this movie, I know the full story! And what a sordid and unbelievable story it is. And yet, the young woman, played by a wonderfully powerful and emotional Abigail Breslin, who is a pillar of strength throughout the long ordeal of her story. She initially comes off as meek and mild and compliant, but inside her there is unwavering determination to make things right and to stop the man, Miranda, who has raped her. She stands up for what is right though her ordeal is years long. I won't give away the ending, but suffice it to say that this is a wonderfully told story, with many moving performances and many A-list actors who have stepped in to create a meaningful story. Bravo to the filmmakers on making a film about a subject most of us don't know anything about. Congratulations!
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