This is emotionless, boring nonsense!🍇🍇
26 November 2023
The film "The Daughter of the Swamp King" turned out to be a disappointment in many aspects. Starting with the first scene, which suggests a mysterious question, but does not continue its development, and ending with a lack of depth and emotional attachment to the characters. The picture promises a lot, but does not meet the expectations of the audience.

It is also worth noting the use of the "swamp world" metaphor, which turned out to be incoherent and intrusive. The title of the film "The Daughter of the Swamp King" does not reflect the content and does not explain the motives of the antagonist, making the plot confusing and meaningless: the father maniacally pursues his daughter, but why does he do it? Of course, they don't try to explain it to us.

The constant appearance of the antihero in different places without explaining how he does it causes confusion and distrust. This is a flaw in the script that we cannot forgive, especially if the story does not offer anything more interesting.

The lifelessness of family relationships and the lack of emotional connection between the characters make the film empty and expressionless. And even despite the participation of famous actors, unfortunately, they could not save this picture.

The final denouement, in which the heroine sees the ghost of her mother, also raises doubts about its illogic and implausibility. This only reinforces the feeling that the film "The Daughter of the Swamp King" was not worked out deeply and thoroughly enough.

As a result, instead of the promised dramatic and exciting work, we get an empty and unconvincing story. The unsuccessful work of the screenwriter, director and actors greatly undermines all the efforts of the camerawork. It's a pity that such a talented actor as Ben Mendelsohn starred in this unsuccessful film. Daisy Ridley's game is also not capable of correcting the situation. In general, the film "The Daughter of the Swamp King" turned out to be unsuccessful and does not deserve such high marks.
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