Locked In (V) (2023)
Not a review just love
26 November 2023
This movie blew me away. It had my mind going from start to finish. Always wondering whats gonna happen next. I couldn't get my family to watch it quickly enough. It really is a great movie. Just watch it. Don't base it on other peoples expectations. Make your own mind up. But watch it.

I often go to reviews to see what other people thought of a movie just to find out after watching it, that my thoughts differed dramatically.

Only you can tell you if you think a movie is great or not. Reviews don't really help and I stopped reading them a lo g time ago.

HOWEVER.. I found this movie so compelling, so "Trumpian" so messed up and psychologically challenging that I had to come here and just ask you to watch it and see what you think? I myself am in awe.
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