Archie (2023)
This was a major surprise.
25 November 2023
A troubled young Archie Alexander Leach takes off from his troubled young life to pursue a life of fame, he would become Hollywood Legend Cary Grant.

One of the drama hits of the year, this four part series really surprised me. In recent times I've gotten into Grants films, so it's been nice to learn more about him.

It deals with his early years, his family life, and his bizarre and tempestuous relationship with actress Dyan Cannon. I don't think it necessarily shows Grant in the best light, but I can't say it's changed my opinion of the great man.

Terrific production values, this is a terrific production, it looks phenomenal, great costumes, sets, cars, it's also an interesting snapshot of the time, we see Grant having medical LSD. I wish it had explored Grant's relationship with Randolph Scott a little more.

Isaacs gives a superb performance as Cary Grant, showing once again that he's an actor of true talent and versatility, it's unlike any other performance from him that I have ever seen.

Huge credit to Calam Lynch and Oaklee Pendergast, who also played the main man to perfection.

Laura Aikman and Harriet Walter are terrific in support.

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