The Daleks in Colour (2023 TV Movie)
Disappointing, but not surprising
25 November 2023
The rating here is mainly for the colour. The colourisation was well-done. While it doesn't look like it was shot in colour originally, it's a good substitute.

However, the edit here was not good. 175 minutes have been cut down to 75, and that is simply not enough time. The story feels incredibly rushed, with entire scenes cut down to only a montage of a few seconds in places, it genuinely gets hard to follow what's happening at times. There's no opportunity for tension to build up, everything is over before it has a chance to really begin.

And the music just ruins it. They've tried to make it seem like a modern blockbuster, but that's simply not what the footage was shot for. The music is overbearing, dominating every single scene it's in.

If you want to watch The Daleks, watch the original. Watch it in multiple sittings if you must, as it's 3 hours long. And if you want a shorter, more colourful version, watch the 1965 movie adaptation, "Dr Who and the Daleks". I see no reason at all to bother with this version.
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