amateur-hour awkward production values
25 November 2023
Ouch this was painful. By far the #1 worst comedy roast I've ever seen, and I'm a colllector who's seen dozens of these types of roasts before. The direction was bad here, the editing was bad, the on-stage director must've been a high-school intern, for letting other roast participants mumble "on mic" and talk amongst themselves right IN THE MIDDLE of the person who's at the microphone giving their speech! Why would you do this? I've never ever seen a roast that would allow such disrespectful distraction. Plus at least half of the actual content wasn't the least bit funny, and even boring in some spots. This is a roast that never should've been made, its bumbling cringey shortcomings are painfully obvious and a huge distraction. Could've been a 45 min long roast and would have been much better. Shame on Jamie Foxx for being so disrespectful to chatter away mindlessly aloud while other performers are trying to do their set.
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