Bye Bye Barry (2023)
Ignore the incels commenting. A character documentary explaining the man & not so much the motives
25 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think alot of angry ppl with political agendas is wanted this film to be more what THEY wanyed it to be. An APOLOGY of sorts, (for the nothing they contributed to a sports legends career) This movie is handled in that vein at all. Think of it more as an episode of "30 for 30" that plays more on the nostalgic side of the mans career, and focuses more on the context clues of his life and personality as an explanation for his words early departure. People writing short sided crap like "they didn't explain" are simply ppl being dense at the docs main focal point, that Barry was both an introvert, and incredibly pragmatic person. It shows how He didn't EVER at any point strive for a bigger contract, media attention or personal accolades. An honest to god "shut up and play" kinda of player. Someone you'd THINK would be an appeasing subject for ALL the cry babies whining about Jemele Hill's (a Longtime respected sports journalist who they are not) presence in the film. (Literally you can tell when your reading a trump supporters review and theyre whining over someone's presence, thats what it is) Get over it guys.

Anyways, the doc shows you a prospective from a insider view into Barrys life, through his now semi grown young adult children. All in there from 20 to mid teens, (in other words, his accomplishments since retiring) and lets them olay interviewer for a segment at one particularly engaging part of the film. As one of his youngest, points out that it was in fact "THE LOSING" that would logically be the biggest reason for his early departure. But its biggest reveals to that lie in the films details. As far as ACTUALLY getting definitive answer from Barry on this. Not so much. The films as a whole is done well, with a proper amount of nostalgia & sensitivity Youve come to expect from other sports docs as the before mention 30 for30 series, & Barry himself is definitely a one of a kind personality who's career finally gets a better chance at reflection & humble introspection from Sanders himself. It shows you ALL the reasons why after painting the picture of a humble kid who loved his teammates, loved the sport but not the attention, as well as the looming issues with health risk from the sport . And how much THOSE things changing had impact on his will to remain. Some people who are selfish, and ignoring those things, would call Barry selfish. The reality is, FANS wanted him to stay and break those records FOR THEM as well as him. Barry only wanted greatness with the ppl he came in with. Detroit neglected this. Once those core ppl left, he no longer had a reason to stay. I think he was if anything a tragically UNSELFISH guy. An athlete oblivious to his own abilities and we at some point ALMOST get to that "elixir"of regret from a man who seems to kindve wanted a different outcome. But with Barry, we see more retrospective to his career and success withon his family life. Its sad and beautifully done. By the end, We dont need a billion whys anymore as its easy to empathize with just wanting nothing but a good life. This is all i took away anyhow. You be the judge.
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