If you want to quite a vape
23 November 2023
I am vape addict from 4 year but in 2023 from 1 jan i decided i want to quite a vape. Why? Because i am stressful all the day i want to vape every second vape just take over my life. I feel broke. I just want to quite it and discuss with my friends. My one close friend recommend a book called 'Dr Robert Turner 7 baby steps to quite vaping' i doesn't believe that a book can change my habit. But i was wrong this book is not like other ones its a story of alex (anyone can releate to that character who is vape addict)how he follow Dr. Robert turner 7 baby steps formula and became vape free. Its just a mindblowing story and step to guide you how you can also quite it. I also like the quote of the book (I can, I will)

I am not promoting any book i just want to help the people.

Who is like me and quite the vape.
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