Review of Dry Run

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Dry Run (1959)
Season 5, Episode 7
Ya just can't trust anyone in this crummy racket!
21 November 2023
This is supposed-to be a tale about the mafia,organized crime,or whatever you want to call it.

We have some rather shady characters here that are involved in activities that are left to the imagination of the viewer.

The organization is in a fluid state,a state of constant-change and turmoil,as these organizations have a high-turnover rate due to their very-dangerous and dishonest nature.

Very-few members of the group last very-long and nobody ever seems to walk-away alive from these organizations.

Here we have a younger member of the organization that has been with the group for just a few years as a general helper/gopher/clean-up man. He has been a reliable and solid worker and team member so-far. Due to recent events,he is given a chance to advance in the organization if he can complete a seemingly-simple task. The task is a straightforward 'midnight payoff' in a large,dark building in an isolated location. He is given a gun,the payoff money,and also given the idea that he can handle things any way he wishes,for 1 example,he could kill the man being paid-off and keep the money himself.

With all of this racing through his mind,he heads off to take care of the assignment. What will he do? What will happen? Check it out for a wild ride with several unexpected twists and turns ! 8/10.
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