Enchanted Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Alexa makes stuff better
20 November 2023
7.1 stars.

Hey listen, if you dislike this so much, I get it, but I won't punish Alexa for the failure of the whole production, because she continues to shine as a wonderful actress. If you are skeptical about the PenaVega duo that's one thing, but I refuse to take my frustrations out on a film and basically throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater without a fair shake.

This is another instance where Alexa brings some of her better work to the table. Sure, the film is not totally awesome, but it's entertaining here and there. Now that that's off my chest, I will provide an objective review of the movie. On the downside, 'Enchanted Christmas' drags on for a bit too long, even for a 90 minute film, it feels more like 150 minutes. The timing at the end is slightly off. These factors lower my initial rating from a 7.7 to a 7.1.

It's about a woman who had a dance partner many years ago. They were young and in love, but he left town to go on tour, leaving her behind. She has since moved to Los Angeles, has a daughter with another man who is out of the picture (I think he passed). As part of her job she is assigned the task of renovating a lodge in her hometown over the holidays. The string of coincidences are a stretch, I know, and she must also be subjected to her old dance partner in the process. And there are some pretty far fetched occurrences scattered throughout the story. Ok, so Hallmark is borderline trying too hard to impress. And she has a boyfriend who is nothing special, actually is a tool (same old repetitives). There is a lot of tension between her father, and the ex-dance partner and herself. Conditions improve, he's not such a bad guy after all, and they rekindle the old love. Finito.
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