LIFF37 2023 #6
20 November 2023
Two young sisters, Izzy and Jess, adventure into the seaside town and community for any crucial information to help prove their brother's innocence after his arrest.

It is told entirely from the point of view of a deaf girl named Izzy, where the filmmakers offer close-ups on months for lip reading, with creative use of subtitles displayed on the screen or close-ups of faces. Even with the sound off, the actor's faces can convey the characters' true feelings.

While this approach to film-making and audio may not be new, it is about the execution, and here, it's impactful in showing communication and how different people take in information, especially with someone like Izzy, who relies on lip reading, sign language, and writing to gather info from others. But often, when the words are tricky to read, they cause significant difficulty.

This short film shows that perspective effectively.
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