Second Spring (2018)
"This Is boring"...
19 November 2023 a line which is said by the main character Kathy during a scene early on in the film. And "This is Boring" is exactly how I would describe this film. Second Spring is a British drama film made in 2018 and is about a university lecturer called Kathy who is diagnosed with a brain condition which affects the part of the brain which is responsible for a person's empathy and affects a person's ability to plan or make decisions. Even after her diagnosis it's impossible to feel any empathy for Kathy as her character is so unpleasant. The film is very poorly directed as most of the time the cast are mostly just staring into space waiting for the director to tell them what to do. The film drags due to a sluggish script and the score sounds like a mixture of somebody breaking wind into a trumpet and then hitting the keys of a xylophone with a hammer. I will end this review by saying that if you have an hour and 18 minutes to spare you would be better off staring at the ceiling instead of watching this rubbish!
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