Navigating Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
Really well done
19 November 2023
This is an excellent Christmas story - well written with believable díalogue, very attractive sets and actual locations (sometimes quite beautiful), and professional direction and cinematography. All of the actors, including the supporting cast, are all excellent, giving natural and realistic performances. The cast is headed by Chelsea Hobbs who has matured into quite a good actress since her performance as Blair in Kimberley Sustad's now beloved "Nine Lives of Christmas" nine years ago. As a tireless mother trying to please, but still guide, protect, and discipline, the son she loves, she is wonderful. As is Stephen Huszar playing a lighthouse owner with a sort of mysterious past. Actually, most of the characters in this movie have experienced a life altering event in their lives, and the film examines how they handle it in one way or another. It's all really well done and is quite the surprise this Hallmark season. Didn't expect this film to be as interesting and enjoyable as it is. Nicely done all around.
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