Righteous Thieves (I) (2023)
Brainy, Sexy Burglary
18 November 2023
How refreshing to observe an ingeniously planned burglary with no guns allowed!!

Should a movie be considered or labelled 'weak" simply because of a lack of firearms?

What about one of the sexiest team of thieves ever to commit a robbery? Not to mention the high-tech wizardry employed to achieve their goals... Don't take my word for it...look them over yourself. You won't be able to take your eyes away!!

The meticulous planning involved was fascinating to follow, aside from the fact it reveals what a truly good hacker is capable of. The entire story was such fun I actually watched it twice, without ever feeling boring. There was plenty of action, the teamwork was plainly visible and this film proves that a movie does not require an abundance of shooting, gore or blood to make it entertaining..

What about You? Are You going to allow the "bad" reviews to discourage you from plunging into the movie and judging it for yourself??
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