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17 November 2023
'The Other Zoey' this movie is so soft. It is a feel-good movie. The story is about a Girl named Zoey who planned everything, is practical af, and doesn't believe in a soulmate, and trying to build an app. There is a boy named Zach, a sportsperson, who believes in love and everything, who is dating a girl named Zoey. Zach had an accident and had a concussion he mistakenly thought the practical Zoey was his girlfriend. How Zoy starts to believe in Love and how Zach finds out about Zoey.

This is a cute love story but one thing I didn't like is Zoey's character when the movie started she was selfish but in the end, her character became a little tolerable. The character of Zach was sweet and he was a gentleman. Overall the movie is predictable. It was sweet, for a date night movie.
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