An important but rather bland movie
16 November 2023
I understand that this is based on a true story and as such is almost a documentary but this movie has some strange emotions that is evokes between the perpetrator, the victim and her family, the police, the lawyers, the judges and doctors.

Are we supposed to cheer the ACLU for freeing a serial r*pist? As such, I felt that the movie wanted us to feel sorry for the Miranda. Are we supposed to boo the police for obtaining a conviction illegally?

The movie seems to try and stand in the of the road and not side with anyone. As a result, to carry on the metaphor, it seems to get hit by traffic from both directions.

The acting is passable, but the real failing of the movie is in the weak direction and writing.

One other question, why did this movie have 20 credited producers? Is that normal?
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