Pit Lane Start
16 November 2023
Spectacular content for what I was hoping would be an enthralling non-stop dramatic insight into the brilliance of Brawn in a zero to hero epic.

Sadly whilst the content was pole-sitting stuff, the warm-up and qualifying remained lacklustre. With a confusing, scene jumping procession of soporific speed interviews the performance sadly lacked the spirit, drive and build up I had been so eagerly anticipating.

Maybe Netflix with its own addictive speed thrillers had spoilt me but I was continually waiting to get off the grid and get into gear, but the downforce was dull and conservative, delivery ultimately disappointing.

Overall it was the laboriously safe production factor, poor musical choice and lack of pace which just made this drag a little too much.

As the historic review stuff came into play it felt like someone was pulling it into focus almost against its will, rather than putting the throttle to the floor and raising the viewer's exhilaration and anticipation the win was in sight.

Jenson and Ross deserved more as it could so easily have achieved the same underdog heroics with such an amazing plot.

Obviously aimed at a more generic audience and not the motorsport fans, commentary and insight was tame and turgid for anyone already in the know.

Ironically the final review I would give this documentary would almost mirror the story itself: absurdity and magnificence of concept and potential with an insane mix of talent but muddled by baffling, restrictive confusions and whilst ultimately on the top step, could have been so much slicker in delivery.
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