16 November 2023
I really wanted to love this show, about a vastly underrated historical figure. And the casting of Oyewolo in the title role is so good. But so many little things just turn me off. For one, it's just too darn clean for it's time period. The streets of the towns, the buildings in the towns, even Bass's little farm, all are way too neat and pristine. And the saloons we've seen are so spotless. I realize that it's a TV program in the 21st century, but how can you have a clean, well lit saloon in 1875, without ANYONE smoking? This thing will wind up on CBS in the near future, and you cannot depict the consumption of tobacco on network TV these days, I get all that. But it detracts from the reality of an important story of its own time. And, most critically, the racial aspect hasn't been sufficiently addressed in the first few episodes. A black man riding into a Texas town and walking into a saloon there in 1875 would have gotten called every name you can think of and a few you can't, if not beaten and kicked out, not invited to sit down and enjoy a friendly card game. It's been fairly enjoyable so far, but it's been way too shallow in my view.
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