"Wise" Girl
14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Terry Cummings (Marian Marsh) was a "wise" girl. To men that meant she was good at using them for their money, but what it really meant was that she was wise to their game. Sure, she'd accept gifts and things of value from some men, but they weren't getting her in return. They hated that.

Terry's sister Betty (Joan Marsh) was far from wise. She was pretty naive. She was receptive to any man that said something nice, which made her a perfect sucker. She was close to being Alan Preston's plaything twice. Good thing she had Terry to protect her though; and protect her she did.

Terry claimed that all men were alike and they were all after one thing. We all know what that means. It's a tired old foreshadow that was overused even in the '30's. It meant that Terry would surely find a decent man and surely fall in love (see "Our Blushing Brides" and "Loose Ankles")

Terry met Edgar Barrett (Allen Vincent), a new employee in the building where she worked. Edgar was sweet on Terry from day one. Terry saw him as another man looking to score. She would keep him away like she did all the others by telling him about her sick grandmother at home, which meant they couldn't enter.

Edgar was warned by his boss who was also his uncle Mr. Lawton (Richard Tucker) to stay away from Terry. She was a "wise girl" he told him, but Edgar was hearing none of it. I could sort of see where the movie was going--in broad strokes anyway, but I didn't expect something Edgar did.

Edgar stole $1000 from his uncle's business to give to Terry for her sick grandmother. This was baffling, criminal, and plain stupid.

1.) He'd never even seen Terry's grandmother and didn't know if she was sick or if she even had a grandmother.

2.) Even if Terry did have a grandmother, he barely knew her. He'd known her for a few days and he was already committing crimes for her!?!

In the writers' efforts to establish Edgar as a genuine good guy worthy of Terry's love, they churned out a dolt. So the only good guys are simple fools???

Of course, it all worked out. Edgar was right in assuming that Terry was not "one of those types of girls" and Terry was wrong in assuming that Edgar was "like all the other guys." Even Terry's sister Betty got married to a decent guy.

I only partially liked the plot of the movie because I'd seen the concept a few times before. Had it been more original I would've liked it more. Not only that, Marian Marsh isn't very convincing as a street wise girl; more believable would've been a Joan Blondell, Ruth Chatterton, or Joan Crawford. Marian has too young and soft of a look. She was perfect for "Beauty and the Boss," but not quite hard, edgy, or tough enough as Terry Cummings.

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