Christmas Reservations (2019 TV Movie)
Second rate Z film - didn't realise they still made these
13 November 2023
I love a Christmas film but it has to be half decent. The opening scenes with father and daughter at the ski hotel had my heart sinking. Dad is the worst actor. Facial expressions, gestures clearly show this and that's before he speaks his lines. He didn't get any better.

Then the two women with obvious facial work appear; one who has a permanent grin on her face, making her look even more odd (new teeth?). Even when she spoke it was with a grin, very distracting. Can you believe the champion skier is amazed she's a 'grandma'? Eyes need testing? Haha. Their facial work is too distracting. I like MJH in the witch series and she's OK here. . Not an outstanding performance exactly. Her old beau from college hasn't aged well!

It was all so predictable I suppose what else was I expecting. A couple can't be together as it's 'family first' mmm I I wonder where we going with this.

Made in 2019 it seems some films just haven't moved on - second rate script and actors, bad and predictable script.

NB: first Christmas card was trivia question was correct, but they should have mentioned it was made and sent in England. Johnson AND Edison made the first Christmas lights.
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