After Death (I) (2023)
A great documentary movie which might not change your mind unless you try to discover for yourself
13 November 2023
My wife and I used to go to the movies a lot until Covid changed everything. We decided after a long time of streaming them to see this movie in the theater. We are both experienced metaphysical travelers and, as such, we did not expect much out of it. The first half was boring. They were trying to prove what cannot be proven by human senses, things you must figure out for yourself with your own effort and determination. They are other ways besides Near-Death Experiences to receive the proof that The Other Site does exist, ways you can navigate through when you move the prevalent part of your mind out there.

Do not take me wrong, many Kudos to this movie creators for their bravery to try to inform, provoke and inspire the public to consider a topic which is unfortunately still taboo and a subject of mockery by often influential people who have had zero personal experiences. For my wife and me the movie, using a parable, is trying to prove that there is water in the sea, trees in the woods or sand in the desert. The only things explored from the beyond are the variations of Heaven and Hell. And then what? There is not even an iota about it in the movie. The metaphysical or spiritual reality, choose which word you like more, is vast and infinite, unlimited. Experienced travelers venturing out of human bodies navigate it by going beyond our physical senses, using extra-sensory perception, non-verbal communication and understanding of non-form-based environments. They communicate with highly developed entities residing in both form based, transitional and non-form-based dimensions.

After the movie, my wife overheard two ladies commenting on the movie and told them that she had traveled everywhere beyond the physical realm. "And did you see Jesus?", they asked. She answered that not just him but many other beings, trying to tell them that they could do it as well. "But did you see Jesus?" they insisted. That is what a religion person would expect. An atheist would have doubts immediately after the movie had just started. And that is the main problem with this marvelous work. Most people expect that someone else will tell them, especially celebrities. It does not work that way; they usually do not know more than you do. The movie also creates a rather biased impression that only those with Near-Death experiences, usually ones with traumatic moments, can visit The Other Side.

That is why I think that for most of you this movie will not change your opinion. But it can inspire you to start looking for more, much more. We were created, modified, or evolved for a reason. If you don't take action, you might look forever by asking other people. If you do take action, you can open your mind and find the ultimate truth in your mind and heart by connecting to everything. You can find answers for all the questions you might have now. I did it and I know everything I need to know, like where we came from, what we are doing here, where we go after we die and what we would be doing there. And mainly, that everything is in our hands. Our death is just a graduation from this school, no need to be afraid. We are sailing toward it.

Jozef Simkovic, Writer.
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