It's Not Quite What It's Promoted To Be
12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No spoilers that spoil the story but there may be some. Producers of this musical try to convince the public that they have preserved the essence of the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus to a young virgin girl. We'll yes, there are pieces of the true story included. But this is not a documentary, it is a musical, and even more, a Broadway/Hollywood style musical show and as such it naturally "adjusts" the story for the sake of show business by taking artistic license with the facts found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

For those who easily dismiss the Bible story as just another fable the show will likely prove entertaining and exciting. Great music, dancing which sometimes is fun and other time hard to watch because it's simply done to make a joke out of the people (Roman soldiers). What is excluded is mixed with what is grossly misrepresented tells "The Greatest Story Ever Told" so that many who don't know the true story will end up confused or leave with a wrong understanding of the story.

Mary is portrayed as older than she probably was. Joseph is much younger than the real Joseph who was a business owner not a carefree ..ager. The Magi did not arrive on the night Jesus was born or even days and maybe weeks before as depicted in the musical. Herod May have been a Bafoon but not quite the crazed lunatic seen in the musical. The importance of the announcement given first to shepherds (who had very low social standing) is an essential fact just left out in order to present three Magi as goofy old men.

Thankfully the baby Mary delivers is represented as the Son of God, King of Kings. Elizabeth and Zachariah are honorably portrayed. For those who know the story of Jesus' birth, the elements are there but not always in the right place.

The production is very well done. The actors are all professional and convincing. It is obvious that the musical was shot where Judean villages like Bethlehem and Galilean villages like Nazareth did not exist.
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