I Don't Like These Brats °poor° 💯%🔍
10 November 2023
This is as if Pippi Longstocking, Harriet The Spy, and Cindi Lou Whoo form a Japanese girl gang and adopt a cat that looks like a panda. They name him Colonel. Sounds adorable, right? Despite some bright spots, it mostly is not adorable, or even palatable. These girls are brats; they're horribly rude and no one corrects them. Despite what one woman says, their behavior is NOT cute, nor is it entertaining, and they are too edgy and obnoxious to be considered precociously endearing. It's likely by design that these girls are referred to as the "colors". It makes them sound like a gang, and that's just the way they behave. Furthermore, the show is on a childish level, but it's not appropriate for children.

MC is a 2013 release that is rated and overly generous 7.41 on MAL. It's 1 season consisting of 12 23-minute English dubbed episodes with CC available. The show follows a group of 3 8-year old girlfriends, though they seem more like age 10 or 11. Kise Saki is full of life and exuberance. She's got a touch of tourettes and will yell out POOP!, or extra-virgin-olive-oil! And/or other whatnot. It's just an overabundance of energy. Aoyama Kotoha is a born Detective and a bit dark. Akamatsu Yui is just a sweetheart - most of the time. Pops/Kujiraoka Daigorou is owner of the novelty store and an all-around fun guy. He's a big kid and enjoys sending the colors on missions he's imagined up. Pops is an enabler and, actually, a worse trouble-maker than the girls! Saitou is a local beat cop that the girls love to beat-up on. They drive him nuts. They have him pegged as a lazy guy, so if he looks like he's working they figure that's an imposter. They are mean to him, but they are bound by invisible chains. He wants to be rid of the girls, but he's actually quite kind to them. I would prefer him to marry one of them eventually. If MC was 4 episodes about when these girls are young torturers and the rest about how Saitou and Aoyama Kotoha fall in love once she grows up, we would have a winner. Eps 1 - 3 are cute but fail to ignite any emotional connection or pull the viewer in. It goes downhill from there. The girls are punks without sufficient kindness to balance it out. The effect is that the show barely keeps its head above the waterline, watchability-wise.

The art is nice. People are drawn with simple features but also with vibrance and backgrounds are simple but detailed and artistically beautiful. It echoes how the kids see the world. Looking from my corner of the world, with the benefit of hindsight, if I was presented with the chance to watch MC again for the first time I would decline, so I cannot recommend this as anything but a waste of time.

QUOTE📢 Cats are citizens of our town too. (That's one reason I love Eastern Asia)


📣5.5 📝4 🎭6.5 🌞4 🎨7 ⚡3 🎵/🔊6 😅3.5 😭1 😱2 😯3 😖0 🤔2 💤5 🔚5

Age 12+ ~ Not for little kids ~

They find a safe and one of them wonders if someone's pinky or a human ear is inside. In ep5 they cover a story about how, during the war, they killed the zoo animals for fear that they would get loose in an air raid. The elephants smelled the poison and would not eat the food, so they starved them to death! The elephants kept doing the "tricks" that had earned them food in the past and died in those poses. Honestly, I'm scarred from this and truly wish I had never heard it. Fear is the path to the dark side, indeed. We all want to believe that people are basically good, but that goodness is paper-thin and only lasts while their needs are met. Self-interest is at the seat of human behavior. We all like kindness, generosity and love when they are bestowed on us, but these things do not come naturally. They must be taught; they must be passed down and reinforced. That is what lights up this world. If those lights are not replenished, if self-interest is all anybody pursues, then we will live in darkness. Most of the world already does. Get out a map, find the places where you would want to live, and study that rare selection of geography. Then realize that even those places have been nightmarish in the past, and they can turn into nightmares once again, in a flash, if the balance is tipped.

Rated TV-PG13: Parents Cautioned

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