"They are in fact either fliers or liars . . . "
10 November 2023
" . . . It is difficult to fly. It is easy to say 'We have flown,'" says the Feb. 10, 1906 New York Herald. PEABODY'S IMPROBABLE HISTORY: THE WRIGHT BROTHERS accurately depicts these deplorable siblings as a pair of hopeless dolts, clowns and buffoons. The historical consensus of Today is that the Wrights MAY have constructed the thirteenth workable flying machine on the Human Record. However, handicapped by hailing from Ohio--a pestilent backwater infamous for educational deficiencies, low moral standards and obnoxious chips-on-shoulders--the Wrights were unable to garner Public Respect during their lifetimes, and have slunk down to the position of an obscure footnote in the Annals of Aviation Today. Extremely litigious, the Wrights became a national laughing stock as legal beagles, flushing what ill-gotten gains they ripped off from bamboozled investors down the drain of frivolous lawsuits. Dying broke and forgotten, they envied the success of Ford automobiles in enlightened Michigan to their North. The idea of a Wright Airplane became a demeaning joke--no one flies one anywhere on this Planet Today.
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