10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How they managed to make a horror movie where EVERY character is a trashy piece of crap person you want to die boggles the mind. Seriously,EVERY character was awful! The cheaters,the mean girls,the creepy ninth wheel. The kills were ridiculous (he rips the top of someone's head off with his bare hands, and then scoops out the brains. REALLY!?!?). These were the worst "friends" ever. One of them disappears and no one even cares.. and why some rude, promiscuous skank is the one dude's "dream girl" I will never know. I was hoping she would die first, or at least painfully.. and what kind of "no resolution" idiotic ending was that!?; I should have known it was going to be a stinker when I saw that one guy wrote,directed,edited, produced,etc,etc,etc. It's too late for.me. I can't understand this. But you have a chance. Save yourself.
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