Jones' farewell to the Coyote and the Road Runner
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently Warner has shelved the upcoming Looney Tunes movie Coyote vs. Acme, despite it being already finished and having a positive initial audience reaction.

A shame really, because the premise of that movie seemed fun, and it was one of the very few movies I was looking forward this year. Is frankly shameful the way in which Warner treats now one of its most beloved properties, and the way in which suits decide to discard the hard work of an entire film crew as part of a tax-off feels like a cruel joke, showing a terrible precedent in film business, where the labor from artists is completely disregarded in an insulting manner.

Entertainment industries have no right of treating their workers as mere tools they can capriciously dispose. I honestly hate how keeping films in a vault for whatever reason seems to slowly become a new trend in modern Hollywood.

Anyway, this 90s short was the first Coyote and the Road Runner theatrical animation made since 1980, showing how the formula kept fresh even after all the time passed.

The direction by Chuck Jones had a lot to do with its charming effectiveness. Unsurprisingly, considering he co-created these characters.

This also will be a farewell to those characters by Jones. A fun and sweet farewell.
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