8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... I was bored 95% of the watch, and was moaning in psychological pain for the rest. This movie could be used like the torture implements that Ben Gavin's character humerously mishandles.

The first failure is that there is no real story and the plot is confusing nonsense. It wants to be smart so badly; instead this movie simply cut up a couple of great movies and legendary stories and haphazardly played madlibs with them, such as Goethe's Faust, before it attempts to abuse and destroy the legend of Robert Johnson. Honestly, this story feels malicious in its tired theft.

The characters are two dimensional cliched ripoffs. It is a shame: Some of these actors are good, so any real failings by the actors must be due to the lack of vision and bad directing. Their performances as a whole lack consistent tone or internal reasoning. That is a writing and directing failure.

It isn't all dreck, however: the Camera work lighting costumes and sets are good. Kansas City looks like a fun town.

Overall: Hard pass. Save your time and money.
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