It's a story that needed telling
7 November 2023
This story was in the era of my tween, teen, & young adult years. I had never heard of Hypgnosis but it peaked my interest with all the Rock Celebrities and the amazing photography. With that said I feel really, really old seeing Jimmy Page with white hair and Robert Plant nearly bald. The band's tour highlights were awesome as well. I could have watched hours of this, if it had been longer. So nostalgic, so informative, so sad to see those days end because we no longer purchase and play LPs. When I was young I loved nothing better than getting an album with an amazing cover. It truly was an art form under appreciated at the time. The back stories to all of the album covers Hypgnosis created were funny, ridiculous, passionate, entertaining, and enjoyable . This documentary needed to be told. Thanks to the producers for bringing back those memories that will forever be frozen in time. I plan on watching at least two, maybe three more times.
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