Power Rangers: Ninja Storm (2003 Video Game)
All the nostalgia in the world cant save this.
7 November 2023
This review of course would be for the PC game, not for the GBA since i didnt played that one, though it would deserve another review for being completely different.

Where did i know this game? When i was more younger thanks to my grandpa (rest in piece), as a gift from them. The only thing i can say is... thank you for everything you did for me... and thank you for.... giving me another trash to review it in the future!

To be fair, i pretty much love the game in the past, and i didnt even know who were the Power Rangers until some time if im not wrong (we are talking about 20 years in the past, lol). But my past self was pretty much dumb, honestly, anyone until 2010 more or less wasnt as critical with videogames like today, for the better or for the worse, and i said that because i live that era and i remember it almost perfectly. I may wanted this game for how cool ninjas feel: "I want to be a ninja", but kids are dumb anyway and as adults one remember that 90% of the most weird moments in their life happen as a kid. And of course i wouldnt let nostalgia blind me with this one. I still have the original disc, but this is another case of 100% abandonware, so dont fear the law like i always say.

Now playing this game on a super computer, i have to say... wow, i have to give the merit in one thing. First of all, this still works, like without patches? Yeah, this game somehow still works on modern PCs at least in my case. For a bootleg shovelware (spoiler alert i guess) very old game, the fact that this still works is nothing short of a miracle. Even official Steam games that you pay for you have to still fix it by your own. Its kind of embarrasing honestly, and idk why Steam wants W7 to die when is more compatible with their games. Unless they fix their store, i wouldnt accept it. But well, lets continue with the review before this turns into a criticism about politics and society.

And thats it, there is no more positive points about this game, because anything else goes from average to one of the worst ever made.

First of all, this is a minigame collection, obviously based on the Ninja Storm TV show. There are 5 minigames at the beginning but after winning those you unlock the final stage where you have to win those 5 minigames again in hard mode plus a new one. So there is 11 minigames in total i think, and no one is good at all. The only one that could be decent was the breakout clone, but the physics are a bit glitchy, the hit detection of the power ups are all over the place, the ball goes extremely slow and is so annoying to hear the Rangers speak like kids EVERY damn second. Was this game made by little kids? Because every minigame has an annoying voice for each character or the narrator who tries to be overly edgy. Just never choose the blue or the yellow Ranger if you dont want to turn into a maniac.

Later we have a 2 match minigame... nothing more, just that. It is the less buggy, i give it that i guess.

After all we have a race, and if you watched a gameplay this wouldnt seem bad, but oh boy trust me, it is. Instead of driving with the keys like in.... any normal racing game, you drive with the mouse? Is like playing one of those maze games made in Powerpoint but even those were better. And every hit with the car makes the character say childish gibberish (im joking but it almost seems like that).

The fourth minigame is a maze, where you have to use the mouse to escape the maze. This one in hard mode is particularly annoying and the only hard of the bunch.

Later we have the plane minigame which is just collecting time and balance the character in the middle of the screen with the mouse.

And the last one, exclusive to the "hard section" is just a glorified rock paper scissor as a, hear me out: a final boss. No strategy, just pure luck.

Everything about this game was pretty much terrible. I find other bootlegs to work, or play better than this. Work? Didnt work perfectly in new systems? Yes, except for one thing: the loading times... Oh boy, this really is the definition of the cherry on the top that would make most players to not complete this game. And this happens also in an early 2000 PC, so the game is just poorly optimized overall.

And thats it, bad game and probably also bad show. Dont play it. Even with nostalgia isnt worth it. Trust me.
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