Great series to show how braindead, uneducated and stupid young adults are in America.
6 November 2023
This documentary is hilarious as many of he young adults in it still think they are cool despite how bad vaping is. These are young adults that may have gone to college, that want to be cool, that are easily influenced because they lack self control. They are hate cigs because they are bad, but bought into vaping not realizing they are exactly the same as their parents and grandparents were. Heck, some people in the documentary admit to being underage or lying to get into Juul parties.

So if you want to watch a documentary about vaping, this is for you. But if you want to watch a documentary showing how young people, who claim to be smarter the older folk, are just as dumb and failing us. This documentary is also for you.

Also be sure to check out the 3rd video in which Gen Z act like life is horrible and the world is ending for them. It's kinda hilarious to see young people who think life is hard in the age of technology where things are way easier then they used to be. "Life is hard so its nice to just be able to go on social media and scroll to feel better". Wow, what a sad life. These are out future leaders.

It should be noted that while yes, the kids getting sick were buying third party stuff, Juul workers who were interviewed STILL made excuses and claimed Juul is still ok to use. Yes its better then cigarettes. But not by alot. Your still sucking down carcinogenic.

To claim its safe because its not as bad as a cig is like saying "I used to drink a 12 pack of beer then drive, now I only drink 8 beers then drive! It's much safer!" Or its like playing russian roulette, but instead of one of 6 chambers being blank, 2 are instead. Still very much dangerous.

The interviewed workers who praise Juul still, they still never talk about the fact that kids still vape now. They don't seem to mention it still is hurtful to anyone, especially teens. Mind you we still haven't seen the long term effects of vapping fully.

If you manage to stick around to the end of the series, you will see those who spoke (but did not appear on camera) really rip into Juul. My review already has some people downvoting it buts thats ok, it goes to show blind people will vap no matter what because they truly think a product like 10% less bad for you is somehow a great end goal to get away from cigs.
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