Fans of Miranda Hart's sitcom will want to see this - the movie that most inspired her!
6 November 2023
Didn't finish it last time. Fell asleep. Not a reflection of the film, more reflection of my poor schedule. Here we go - trying again. For you, Miranda Hart!

Side note - I love watching the favorite films of my fave celebrities, and this is one of Miranda Hart's favorite movies! It's amazing how a movie or TV show or whatever instantly become special to me, once I find out that it's the favorite of one of my faves. So for that, I love this. But let's see if I actually love this haha! The things I do for the people I love!


Good movie! I do like it, but from watching it, I see that Miranda Hart has a very serious side. It's much less of a comedy than I expected. So, it's not really to my taste completely, but I found it endearing, nonetheless. And the best part of the film was the impromptu singing and dancing scene did they sing The Sun ain't going to shine anymore. Now one of my favorite scenes ever in cinema! Also the scene where Juliet Stevenson's character first sees the ghost of her dead boyfriend back in her life and grabs him and hugs him so tightly and just sobs, sobs enjoy and grief at the same time, it was a beautiful display of emotion because it shows the depth of love that I feel like we all should experience in our lives!

I also realized that Miranda took a lot of the more lighthearted elements of this movie and Incorporated it into her sitcom. She wasn't kidding when she said she was highly influenced by this film - I can see it, and everything from the song and dance sequence to the hopscotch sequence- and even in the bittersweet tone in which she chose to end her sitcom. Shades of this movie are all over the Miranda show! Pretty remarkable!


After reading a few reviews, I now have even more respect for this movie than I did. I felt like Juliet Stevenson near the end of the film was coming to the realization that she and her boyfriend didn't have that great of a relationship and that she had incorrectly idealized it after his passing. And while that may be partially true, after reading some reviews, I understand that Alan rickman's character of the Dead boyfriend was very selfless, because he came there for the sole purpose of actually helping her to move on and live a more joyful life with the alive- even if it meant causing her to see their relationship in a less than ideal way. He was doing it for her own sake. That is absolutely agape love! So extraordinary! I feel like I might need to raise my rating now!
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