Fantastic and so well written and acted
5 November 2023
I've only watch the first episode, and I'll come back and adjust my review after I finish the series, but I can tell already I'm going to like it. I do like it.

First of all, the writing in this is outstanding. Most productions would make everything black-and-white, good and evil, without any intrigue whatsoever. Bass himself is not perfect, in fact he fights for the confederacy willingly. Even as a slave, he has a sense of honor, of right and wrong, but he serves his master until his master no longer deserves his allegiance.

I know quite a bit of the history of this character, and so far they've been faithful to trying to replicate the authenticity of Bass Reeves.

As sets, locations, costumes, and related are outstanding. The casting is outstanding. No caricatures, and everyone plays the role right on the money neither under nor over playing it. This is smart writing that doesn't insult the intelligence of the viewer.

If the first episode is any litmus test, this is one of the smarter shows on television right now. I've been a critic of Taylor Sheridan lately because I want him to FINALLY finish Yellowstone, but if this is what he's been working on instead, I'm gonna give him a bit of a pass because the show really is outstanding.
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