Sympathy for the con artist?
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show ended differently to what I expected.

Because it ended with none if the hard questions asked or answered, instead leaving the wishywashy 'explanation' of the pathological liar just hanging in the rooms they recreated.

Were the initial contestants a bit stupid for falling for his con? Yes, they were.

But their stupidity is forgiveable, especially as they did see through it once confronted with the big 'producer'.

Even if I am the only person on Earth to read Mr Russian as I did, I stand by my truth o meter readings, and they are waaaaaay in the red.

He wanted to get rich off of his grand idea somehow, and he knew it was a lie from the start.

Imagine how much time and thinking he put into the creation of that 6 page contract. Its content alone screams deliberate fraud.

Makimg up people as employees in his production company. Yeah, sure, Nik, that was all for a good thing.

He was so deluded that instead of saying no thank you to London Tonight he let them interview him and presented the audience with more of his deranged nonsense.

How were these people to make £ 100,000 each in a year starting with nothing? Beg some coins and win in a casino? Rob a bank? Marry and then off a millionaire?

Nik was not asked that question.

I don't even believe him when he says he was homeless.

Or anything really.

I have known pathological liars and con artists. They don't lie All The Time. They spin in truth, and they are very convincing, and charming, they are lightning quick in adapting their lies.

Of course they are all troubled. Everyone's troubled.

So I was disappointed that it was not about truth after all.

I know all life is about stories, the stories we create ourselves about our experiences and interpretations.

But whether you are genuine or not, i.e. Whether you are true to your inner story, that shines through.

And Nik, to the very last, was always first thinking about what to say next. 'Humility works best here', was his inside choice. 'Sticking to my story works best here, makes me just seem stupid, not vicious'. A sociopath, was all I thought.

I do not care whether I may be a little (not all) wrong there. Maybe he is reformed, or just awkward and still self-delusional. I saw no real contrition, no reality, just a show of reality. Haha.

And the would be contestants saying their lives changed for the better? How about it might have been even better without having been conned? You make the best of situations, don't make correlations out of chronological occurances.

And at least one person's life was affected negatively.

The song at the end was the best thing.

Could have been much more real.
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