Top Boy (2011–2023)
Top Boy Went Downhill
3 November 2023
A totally off-putting amount of the teeth-sucking ('kissing' is an overly generous euphemism for this anti-social rejection tick), as well as gibberish patois made season 3 difficult.

The same conflicts get recycled over and over, it being the 10 episode bloat-fest that it is.

They keep bringing in more Liability Thugs, which is prob a real thing, but it's difficult to understand any group or series of them being able to support so many Loose Cannons for so long. It seems totally counterintuitive to keep disloyal, disobedient, incompetent hotheads on the payroll. You can't counsel, redirect, or even broaden their thinking in any way. Seems impossible to want them anywhere around activities that require secrecy, finesse, politics, or critical thinking, for that matter.

They also do that sad thing where men with beef can work together after 'forgiveness', but for women and children who're even perceived as 'against' them, they're like, "No mercy," and there's no holds or reversals. It's petty and predatory. What sad little drama kings?!! They literally run everyone else more innocent down, while being abusive self-interested serial killers.

There are other problems: Very unskilled child actors make the predictable and forced drama more obviously clumsily manufactured, especially in Ep 7 of season 3 (U. S. broadcast season 1, for whatever stupid reasons), which was irritatingly bad in storyline & scripting. So predictable and poorly done.

Up until a point, it's almost entirely male-centric, all the female parts being only in support, and underdeveloped, with 2D personas that only serve the male characters and their gazes. They're just used as stereotypical relationship filler, and most of them are moms. All-in-all, they're simply plopped around as depth-free objects of affection or abuse, with which to illustrate boy's/men's struggles.

And then a Lesbian! The 'Tough, but Ineffective' narrative is fully on board. This character can't be a long-term ally or a protector, according to this shiznit. They also have this character lean very far into blaming the victims of impossible circumstances being forced on them.

Also, senseless femicide that accomplishes nothing is despicable. Stop trifling with the idea that a woman's life is reduced to the mere value of punishing a man by her absence/death. This is treating her exactly like a possession/object with no purpose to exist but for that man, and who is easily dispensed with without consequence.

For some weird reason, they also chose to insert the antisocial phrase "you stink" into the scripts about 30 times in season 4 (season 2, U. S.), in the false belief that it's 'humor.'

Also, poorly written interrogations.
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