Like a stone skipping over the top of the story...
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like a stone skipping over the very top of the story, it's just a shallow examination of a crime. This documentary is interesting but basically leaves more questions than it answers. It certainly seems far more sympathetic towards Elizabeth and very eager to paint her in a 'removed' accessory role in the murder of her parents. I couldn't help but wonder at a brief description of the crime scene that was mentioned at the very beginning and then never mentioned again, particularly after she 'allegedly' was never at the crime scene. All the things written in blood, the very clear, distinct outline in blood around the mother's body and the note from the police that someone had apparently 'danced' in the blood; this sounds like someone who "despised" and "hated" her parents as Elizabeth wrote in her diaries/letters. Jens was definitely not someone who would have danced in blood, particularly not alone.

There are other irregularities that others mention. It's also interesting that her family was part of the Aster family, one of the Illuminati families. Just a sidenote.
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