The Trials of Ted Haggard (2009 TV Movie)
A Documentary That Falls Flat
2 November 2023
"The Trials of Ted Haggard" (2008) was like watching a trainwreck in slow motion, and not in a good way! This documentary had all the ingredients for a juicy story, but it fell flat like a deflated balloon. First of all, let's talk about how terrible it is that the Evangelical church abandoned Ted Haggard just because he's gay. The man dedicated his entire life to them, and they tossed him aside like yesterday's leftovers. It's a shame the film didn't dive deeper into this aspect and instead glossed over it like a forgotten sin.

And speaking of sins, there were allegations of inappropriate behavior swirling around Haggard, but the film just didn't seem to care. It was as if they were more interested in capturing the drama without digging into the real issues. I mean, come on, if you're going to make a documentary about a controversial figure like Haggard, at least have the decency to explore the allegations and give us some answers. Instead, we're left with a half-baked story that leaves us scratching our heads and wondering why we wasted our time on this mess. Two stars because it's so bad, it's almost good... but not quite.
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