Review of Hachiko

Hachiko (2023)
Recounts the timeless story of a dog's loyalty to his owner in a manner befitting to the country in question that tells it
2 November 2023
"Hachiko" is a Chinese remake of the Japanese film "Hachiko Monogatari". Directed by Xu Ang and starring Xiaogang Feng and Joan Chen, it recounts the timeless story of a dog's loyalty to his owner in a manner befitting to the country in question that tells it.

In the city of Chongqing, China, college professor Chen Jingxiu (Xiaogang Feng) one day finds a lost puppy while commuting to work. Chen decides to look after the puppy at home until an appropriate owner can be found, despite objections from his wife Li (Joan Chen), who dislikes dogs. Over time, Chen decides to keep the puppy after developing a loving bond with it, eventually naming it "Ba Tong" after he finds the young dog carrying a Mahjong brick for the number eight in its mouth. One year later, Ba Tong has grown up and makes a habit of following his master Chen to the station every morning to see him off for work, while returning later in the evening to the same spot for the pair to walk home together. As time passes by, various events occur throughout Chen's life, but Ba Tong continues to remain loyal as he accompanies his owner to and from the station every day.

The year 2023 contains an important anniversary for dog lovers everywhere, as it marks exactly 100 years since the birth of Hachiko, a Japanese Akita Inu renowned for his devotion to his owner, professor Hidesaburo Ueno. Even almost a decade after the professor's death, Hachiko would still go to the exact spot every day at Tokyo's Shibuya Station hoping that his owner would be there to greet him, but sadly this would never happen. Hachiko's loyalty has touched many hearts around the world, to the point where he has become a part of pop culture, even being loosely referenced in a notable episode of "Futurama". There have also been feature films made specifically about Hachiko's life, with the first being the 1987 Japanese movie "Hachiko Monogatari" and the second a contemporary 2009 American remake "Hachi: A Dog's Tale", which starred Richard Gere as the titular dog's owner. As a means of celebrating Hachiko's centenary, the Chinese have now made their own movie titled simply "Hachiko", which, like its two predecessors, reminds the audience of how loyalty is one of the most beautiful traits someone can have.

Like its American counterpart, China's film has taken some cultural liberties in how it tells this classic story. The most noticeable change is in the breed of dog used to play the Hachiko equivalent Ba Tong, swapping out the iconic Akita Inu for an unspecified mongrel dog. Considering how Akitas are unfamiliar to Chinese locals, it does make sense for this compromise to be made, although it does unfortunately detract from the idea that the Akita is especially renowned for its strong devotion to its master. One could argue that this may have been done solely due to the Akita's lack of presence in China, however, this creative decision could also be interpreted as a method of social commentary. It is a notorious fact that some people in China actually eat dogs the same way westerners might eat beef and pork, and the film uses this as a means to bring attention to that concerning matter.

In one particular scene, Li sells the puppy Ba Tong to an anonymous buyer who does not leave any personal details or reasoning why he wants the dog in the first place. Upon hearing about this, Chen uses his gut instinct to look for him, with his search leading him to a meat market downtown. Chen passes through stalls with slaughtered animals hanging upside down, which gives a feeling of uneasiness considering the array of exotic meats available for purchase. Correct in assuming the worst, Chen soon spots the innocent puppy tied to some chickens in cages and sneakily frees him from a potentially terrible fate when the business owners aren't watching. The very notion that Chen is automatically paranoid about somebody using a puppy as a food source shows how bad things must be for the poor canines living in China, and it is necessary for all audiences to know that something must be done to put a stop to this permanently.

Despite thematic changes like this, the film's basic plot remains relatively the same. Anybody familiar with Hachiko and what he went through will know exactly how this story is going to play out. With that said, it's a safe assumption that this will not end on a happy note. As someone who loves dogs and has seen both prior film adaptations, I can wholeheartedly say that they rank among the saddest movies I have ever seen, reducing me to a blubbering mess whenever I think too deeply about their conclusions. This film manages to follow suit and there's no doubt in my mind that any animal lover watching will be moved to tears by the end, so viewer discretion is advised.

This time around, the story gives a bit more breathing room to develop the human characters, with focus on Chen's family being a necessary side plot to the main story. For instance, we learn why Chen's wife Li initially dislikes dogs and why she feels uncomfortable around them. This means that she later has the simple character arc of overcoming her irrational fear to appreciate Ba Tong's loyalty to her husband. It is also shown that Chen's son Xinqiao (Jugang Bai) feels neglected by his father, as the latter is spending too much time around Ba Tong to notice his own son's future career prospects. Naturally, Xinqiao also learns about the importance of having a dog like Ba Tong in his family, as it is his faithfulness that has helped keep them all together for so long.

Though I am unfamiliar with these actors outside of this film, I think both Xiaogang Feng and Joan Chen did a fine job in their respective roles as Chen and Li, respectively. While there isn't too much depth to how each of them are written, they provide just enough credibility for the audience to view them as a respectable Chinese family living with their dog. Like Richard Gere before him, Feng plays Ba Tong's owner Chen Jingxiu as a humble, good-natured man who deeply cares about his canine companion, so much so that he even considers the dog to be like a son to him. The film's most wholesome scenes are with Chen walking Ba Tong to and from the station, as you can't help but appreciate how adorable the dog behaves when he wants nothing more than to play with his master. Similar to Joan Allen's character in the American film, I liked watching how Joan Chen showed Li learning to love Ba Tong in spite of her blatant cynophobia (the fear of dogs). Even she can't resist the loveable pup's positive influence and soon relents to her husband's wishes to keep him as a pet.

For an almost century old story, this contemporary take on the life of Hachiko is a cute, emotional film that has clearly been made with good intentions. It showcases the enduring timelessness of one dog's love for his master while also finding a way to bring attention to some important issues regarding their treatment in countries like China. Even if you don't care all that much about dogs, this film nonetheless reminds us that they are unmatched when it comes to loyalty. Regardless of which adaptation you choose to watch, whether Japanese, American, or Chinese, all three share the identical theme that forming a bond with a dog just might be one of the best decisions you ever make.

I rate it 8/10.
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