please don't listen to the bad reviews!!
2 November 2023
I went into this movie with quite normal expectations, because I know that I enjoyed the previous ones.

But I also read all these bad reviews telling me that the movie had "bad acting" or that the story was bad or something like that. But I can now say, that was NOT the case!

This movie is honestly one of the few creepy and scary horror movies I've seen in a while. Because nowadays, I don't get scared that easily. But this movie gave me that creepy and crawly feeling of dread, that something is really wrong. Which is the feeling I want when I'm watching a horror movie!

If you liked the previous movies, watch this one! Trust me, just do it, please!

It was scary, creepy, had a good story and explained very much backstory, and that is more than enough for me at least.

So go and watch it right now!
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