Review of Englemageren

Englemageren (2023)
Investment that turned out a huge loss
1 November 2023
We're used to many good movies from Denmark, but if you believe all Danish movies are good, i can assure you and comfort you; they ren't!

There just as many stupid and awful Danish movies as in other countries, we just don't very often get to see them.

But now we have got such streaming offers like Netflix and Amazon Prime, so every little nasty and horrendous movie gets big distribution.

This movie has an OK script until you realize it's over the top stupid. The last part of the movie goes fast downhill. And you are left thinking WTF!?

You won't miss anything avoiding this, maybe just an annoyingly bad movie and - you'll also lose the faith that all Danish movies are good. Well, you were wrog.
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