Atlanta: Cancer Attack (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
By far my least favorite episode of the series
30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For one, it was immediately clear to me that Socks took the phone, given how hard he was trying to seem upset when he has no reason to be. I also find his inclusion insufferable to the point where I don't really understand the point of him being in the show at all, or why he ended up touring with them in the first place. At least with a character like Tracy, there's history between him and Al, but Socks' presence takes away much more than it adds.

I also have many questions about Wiley. How did he know the personal information in Al's lyrics, if he didn't steal the phone? How did he know his phone number? Just seems like the writers tried too hard to lead us into thinking Wiley stole it. Many other reviews are bringing up the possibility that he's some kind of ghost, but then why would he trick them into thinking he has the phone? I think a more likely explanation would be that he was conspiring with Socks, but the show leaves it pretty open ended in a way that makes for a really unsatisfying ending. This show likes to ask a lot of questions, and not provide a single answer. In most cases, it works very well, but this just felt like a narrative mess.
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