Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko Alone (2006)
Season 2, Episode 7
Incredible character-writting!
29 October 2023
This episode cerments why Zuko is the best written character of the entire show! This gives us brilliant insight into his youth and we can see the complexity and inner conflict within him! Something that will play a major role later on!

The flashbacks in the episode were great as we see how Zuko was just an ordinary kid, seeking his fathers approval, and how his mother was a key figure in shaping him to become the person we know! Someone who never gives up without a fight!

Azula is a great contrast, as she already then was cruel and cold without a shred of emotions! We also get to see what might have happened to Zukos mother and how Ozai becamd Firelord!

The stuff in the present is equally great as we see just how complex Zuko is! He is not pure evil and actually wants to do whats right, but his heritage prevents him from convincing others.. that he just wants to help!

Brilliant episode about Zuko trying to figure out WHO he is!
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